
Contributed Talk - Splinter ATNG

Thursday, 14 September 2023, 14:15   (H 2036)

Rebuilding a TCS with Beckhoff PLCs-A hands-on experience of ATNG

T. Granzer, J. Weingrill, M. Weber
Leibniz Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam

One main aspect of the ATNG is to foster knowledge transfer between its members. I will shortly report on the current status of our upgrade of a 1-m class telescope manufactured by Halfmann, a company which went out of (astronomical) business more than ten years ago. But our endeavor does not stand alone: Many more (German) Halfmann telescopes, firstly the two MoNet telescopes of the University Goettingen, may benefit from our work in a best-practice knowledge transfer via the means of ATNG.