Splinter Meeting ATNG

Exploring the power of optical telescope arrays

Time: Thursday September 14, 14:00-15:45 CEST (UTC+2)

Room: H 2036

Convenor(s): David Berge [1,2], Anna Franckowiak [3], Marek Kowalski [1,2], Ansgar Reiners [4]
[1] HU Berlin, [2] DESY, [3] Uni Bochum, [4] Uni Göttingen

Various observatories consisting of arrays of small, commercially available telescope with largely of-the-shell instrumentation have recently been proposed or are under construction. They offer wide-fields of view to explore the variable and transient sky with a high cadence. Variations of these concepts also allow for polarimetry, multi-band photometry or spectroscopy. Besides being an economic solution for collecting visual light, their advantage lies in the flexibility to dedicate sub-sets of telescopes to individual targets. In this splinter meeting, we will discuss concepts and prototype realizations, as well as the science enabled by these novel optical telescope arrays. The session will also contain the annual meeting of ATNG (Astronomical Telescope Network Germany, http://atng.uni-goettingen.de).


Thursday September 14, 14:00-15:45 Exploring the power of optical telescope arrays (H 2036)

14:00  Welcome

14:05  Ansgar Reiners:
Activity monitoring telescope network in preparation of PLATO

14:15  Thomas Granzer:
Rebuilding a TCS with Beckhoff PLCs-A hands-on experience of ATNG

14:30  Alexis Smith:
NGTS: A twelve telescope array at Paranal

14:45  Anna Franckowiak:
Wide-field linear optical polarization measurements with an array of small telescopes

15:00  Kalaga Madhav:
MARCOT: A new approach to large aperture telescope

15:15  Lukas Stock:
Improving the accuracy of inexpensive out-of-the-shelf optical echelle spectrograghs

15:30  Marek Kowalski:
Optical Telescope Arrays for Astronomy in Germany

Related contributions

C. FischerDesign and Assembly of a Light Distribution Point for the IAG FTSPoster