
Contributed Talk - Splinter Exoplanets

Thursday, 14 September 2023, 14:00   (H 3007)

Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets – A DFG Priority Program

Heike Rauer[1][2][3], Cornelis Dullemond[4], Artie Hatzes[5], Ansgar Reiners[6], Roy van Boekel[4], Lena Noack[3], Barbara Ercolano[7], Willy Kley[8], Tina Rückriemen-Bez[2], Ludwig Scheibe[2]
[1]DLR, [2]TU Berlin, [3]FU Berlin, [4]University Heidelberg, [5]Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, [6]University Göttingen, [7]LMU München, [8]University Tübingen

The priority program SPP 1992 is a research network to address the diversity and complexity of extrasolar planets. With 51 projects and 17 institutes all over Germany, we combine methods of discovering and observing exoplanets with theoretical models and simulations, in order to advance our knowledge about these worlds around other stars. The priority program, funded by the DFG, has supported exoplanet research in Germany since 2018, putting it in a leading position internationally. As an Introduction to the splinter session, we give an overview of the priority program as a whole and present the excellent collaboration that leads to so many scientific results.