
Contributed Talk - Splinter SNR

Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 14:20   (H 2035)

X-ray emission from cooling supernova shocks in (M)HD simulations

Ekaterina Makarenko, Stefanie Walch
1. Institute of Physics, University of Cologne

Each supernova (SN) injects around 10^51 ergs into the interstellar medium (ISM) shaping the chemical, thermal and dynamic evolution of the ISM. Thereby SNe are shocking and heating the gas. A good fraction of the injected energy is subsequently lost by radiative cooling. However, the fate of the emitted cooling photons is usually neglected in simulations as the surrounding ISM is treated to be optically thin with respect to it. This makes the high-resolution simulations quite unphysical. As for the real observations of SN remnants (SNRs): with the growing ability of X-ray imaging spectroscopy, we can define the pixel-by-pixel based parameters (such as plasma temperature, ionisation state and abundance of different elements). Adding to these polarisation images (e.g. currently from IXPE) we can also study the nature of the magnetic fields and turbulence as well. Thus, right now we need more realistic simulations of SNRs.
 We present state-of-the-art (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations of SN explosion in the inhomogeneous environment using the FLASH code which considers radiative cooling from the SN event. Radiative cooling is calculated on the fly and fully consistent with the radiation transfer, X-ray physics and chemistry modules of the code. We calculate synthetic maps of the simulated SN remnant in several X-ray energy bands (e.g. Chandra energy bands in the range 0.1-10 keV). Therefore, synthetic X-ray maps provide unique information about the physics of shock/cloud interaction, general morphology of the remnants, and enhanced magnetic field as well as a better comparison (and prediction) for SNRs observations.